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Pleated Mosquito Mesh Screen for Sliding Doors

Sliding doors need the most sophisticated Mosquito Mesh Solutions.

Normal conventional sliding mesh shutter has problems like Gap between 2 shutters & constant maintenance. Pleated Mosquito Insect Screen for Sliding doors has solved the above problems with ease and at a very budget price. On a 2 track door, Pleated Mosquito Mesh is used only on the half sliding shutter which is usually used by home owners. Pleated Mosquito Mesh used in sliding doors have a groove specially designed for sealing woodpile. This ensures no gap between glass shutter & mesh shutter. For the sliding doors having one fixed glass & one sliding glass, Premier Screens Pleated Mosquito Mesh can be fitted inside UPVC groove. At sites having a door window combination, sub frame is needed to install Pleated mosquito mesh. Pleated Insect Screen is the best solution for sliding doors in both UPVC & Aluminium.

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